Captain Underpants: The First Epic Animation Movie

Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie is a 2017 American computer-animated superhero comedy film based on the children's novel series of the same name by Dav Pilkey. It was produced by DreamWorks Animation, and Mikros Image Montreal with Technicolor Animation Productions provided animation. It was directed by David Soren from a screenplay by Nicholas Stoller, and stars the voices of Kevin Hart, Ed Helms, Thomas Middleditch, Nick Kroll, Jordan Peele, and Kristen Schaal. The plot follows two imaginative elementary school pranksters named George Beard and Harold Hutchins (voiced by Hart and Middleditch) who hypnotize their mean-spirited principal, Mr. Krupp (voiced by Helms), into thinking he is Captain Underpants, a superhero who fights crime while wearing only underwear and a cape, and the main protagonist of George and Harold's comic books.
Captain Underpants -The First Epic Animation Movie

Storyline :- George Beard and Harold Hutchins are two overly imaginative pranksters who spend hours in a treehouse creating comic books. When their mean principal threatens to separate them into different classes, the mischievous boys accidentally hypnotize him into thinking that he's a ridiculously enthusiastic, incredibly dimwitted superhero named Captain Underpants.

Directed by          :-  David Soren
Produced by        :-  Mireille Soria, Mark Swift
Screenplay by      :-  Nicholas Stoller, David Soren (additional screenplay material),
                                   Based on Captain Underpants by Dav Pilkey
Starring               :-  Kevin Hart, Ed Helms, Thomas Middleditch, Nick Kroll,
                                   Jordan Peele, Kristen Schaal.
Music by      :-   Theodore Shapiro
Edited by             :-    Matthew Landon
Production Company :- DreamWorks Animation,
Distributed by    :-   20th Century Fox[1]
Release date        :-  May 21, 2017 (Regency Village Theater), June 2, 2017 (United States)

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