The Lego Batman Movie is a 2017 3D computer-animated superhero comedy film, produced by Warner Animation Group. It was directed by Chris McKay, and written by Seth Grahame-Smith, Chris McKenna, Erik Sommers, Jared Stern and John Whittington, and produced by Dan Lin, Roy Lee, Phil Lord and Christopher Miller. Based on the Lego Batman toy line, the film is an international co-production of the United States, Australia, and Denmark, and the first spin-off installment of The Lego Movie franchise. The story focuses on Batman as he attempts to overcome his greatest fear to stop The Joker's latest plan, with Will Arnett reprising his role as Batman for the film, along with Zach Galifianakis, Michael Cera, Rosario Dawson, and Ralph Fiennes.
Storyline:- There are big changes brewing in Gotham, but if Batman (Will Arnett) wants to save the city from the Joker's (Zach Galifianakis) hostile takeover, he may have to drop the lone vigilante thing, try to work with others and maybe, just maybe, learn to lighten up. Maybe his superhero sidekick Robin (Michael Cera) and loyal butler Alfred (Ralph Fiennes) can show him a thing or two.
Movie detail:-
Directed by :- Chris McKay
Produced by :- Dan Lin, Phil Lord, Christopher Miller, Roy Lee
Screenplay by :- Seth Grahame-Smith, Chris McKenna, Erik Sommers,
Jared Stern, John, Whittington
Story by :- Seth Grahame-Smith Based on Characters by DC Entertainment Lego Construction Toys
Starring :- Will Arnett, Zach Galifianakis, Michael Cera, Rosario Dawson, Ralph Fiennes
Music by :- Lorne Balfe,
Edited by :- David Burrows, Matt Villa, John Venzon
Production Companies :- Warner Animation Group, DC Entertainment, RatPac-Dune Entertainment, Lego System, Vertigo Entertainment, Lin Pictures,
Animal Logic, Lord Miller Productions,
Distributed by :- Warner Bros. Pictures
Release date :- January 29, 2017 (Dublin), February 9, 2017 (Denmark), February 10, 2017 (United States), March 30, 2017 (Australia)
Related Links :-
Storyline:- There are big changes brewing in Gotham, but if Batman (Will Arnett) wants to save the city from the Joker's (Zach Galifianakis) hostile takeover, he may have to drop the lone vigilante thing, try to work with others and maybe, just maybe, learn to lighten up. Maybe his superhero sidekick Robin (Michael Cera) and loyal butler Alfred (Ralph Fiennes) can show him a thing or two.
Movie detail:-
Directed by :- Chris McKay
Produced by :- Dan Lin, Phil Lord, Christopher Miller, Roy Lee
Screenplay by :- Seth Grahame-Smith, Chris McKenna, Erik Sommers,
Jared Stern, John, Whittington
Story by :- Seth Grahame-Smith Based on Characters by DC Entertainment Lego Construction Toys
Starring :- Will Arnett, Zach Galifianakis, Michael Cera, Rosario Dawson, Ralph Fiennes
Music by :- Lorne Balfe,
Edited by :- David Burrows, Matt Villa, John Venzon
Production Companies :- Warner Animation Group, DC Entertainment, RatPac-Dune Entertainment, Lego System, Vertigo Entertainment, Lin Pictures,
Animal Logic, Lord Miller Productions,
Distributed by :- Warner Bros. Pictures
Release date :- January 29, 2017 (Dublin), February 9, 2017 (Denmark), February 10, 2017 (United States), March 30, 2017 (Australia)
Related Links :-